Midwest Meeting of the Minds and your next giving campaign!

The vibrant city of Chicago played host to the much-awaited MOTM Conference. A gathering of innovators, thought leaders, and industry pioneers. We were delighted to participate, and are thrilled to see how we can help with this year’s attendees’ future giving campaign!

As we reflect on the connections made and the insights gained, we eagerly anticipate the opportunities that lie ahead. The relationships forged at the conference have the potential to blossom into impactful partnerships that will shape the future of fundraising.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the organizers for orchestrating such a remarkable event and to all those who visited us.

The Zenger Group Team returned home with excitement, anticipating the potential collaborations stemming from the connections made.

Zenger Group actively commits to empowering organizations, helping them achieve fundraising goals and impact communities. Our innovative print and mail solutions aim to engage, inspire, and yield results for your next giving campaign.

Until we meet again at the next conference, let’s continue to innovate, inspire, and ignite the giving future together!

Do you need inspiration? Let us send you a sample pack of direct mail pieces that have worked for our customers. Email us (below) or contact us here and we’ll send it directly to your door.

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